LÖVE library for 3D rendering based on scene graph.


modules.core3d.boxshape Box shape.
glTFLoader Module for load the *gltf format.
NodeTreeBuilder Module for building scene nodes from a loaded gltf format.
utils Utils.
SpriteLoader Helper class for loading aseprite spritesheet animations.


App Singleton object.
Camera Camera for 2D scenes.
PerspectiveCamera Perspective camera class.
Environment An environment is a class that sends information about the current settings of the environment (such as ambient color, fog, light sources, camera transformation matrices) etc to the shader.
glTFAnimation A class that provides functionality for gltf animations.
InstancedMesh Class provides instancing functionality for Meshes.
Material Base class for materials.
Mesh Class for initializing and storing mesh vertices and material.
ModelNode Class for drawing Mesh objects.
UniformList A class that stores a list of Uniform variables and implements their sending to the shader.
Application Singleton object.
ModelNodeTree Tree structure that is used when drawing scenes imported from the *gltf format.
bound3 Bound3.
bvh BVH Tree
intersect Intersect.
mat4 Matrix4.
quat Quaternion.
vec2 Vector2.
vec3 Vector3.
vec4 Vector4.
Node Node is the base class of all display objects.
Scene Base class of scenes.
Sprite Sprite class is a helper object for drawing textures that can contain a set of frames and play animations.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2023-03-21 17:41:24